EWB-NTX Projects
Our past projects reflect the diversity of the communities we serve. We have successfully implemented initiatives in water storage and distribution, water management, and computer science across Bolivia, Guatemala, Mexico, and India.
Culli Culli Alto, Bolivia
Culli Culli Alto is a dispersed community located in Bolivia’s high plateau region, covering an area of approximately 2 by 4 miles with a population of about 490 people of Aymara ethnicity. The community prioritizes access to potable water, followed by irrigation, as its primary needs. By repairing an inoperable well to serve as a potable water source and implementing a system to deliver water to residents, this project aims to enhance the quality of life for the people of Culli Culli Alto and foster positive indirect effects, such as increased economic activity.

Cabezas, Bolivia
The students at Nuestra Señora del Carmen Centro Educativo in Cabezas, Bolivia, lacked access to a computer lab, hindering their ability to develop essential computer skills for improving their standard of living. Upon learning of this need, the team working on the ongoing water remediation and drip irrigation project came together and secured a grant to establish computer labs. The initiative resulted in one lab at the main campus in Cabezas, and two additional labs at satellite campuses in nearby towns.

Village of Panimacac, Guatemala
The existing open spring water collection system contributed to health issues, including intestinal diseases. The unreliable water supply affected families, often forcing women to leave children unattended while they collected potable water. By establishing a safe drinking water source and providing a reliable service level to individual households, the project reduced disease risk and improved living conditions in the village, ultimately strengthening the community.

Las Malvinas, Mexico
This project focused on Las Malvinas, a Mexican fishing village primarily made up of low-income families. The island community struggled with insufficient potable water due to the high salinity of local water sources. In collaboration with the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) student chapter at Southern Methodist University (SMU), we worked to provide accessible potable water for the village. The project was further complicated by the island’s isolation, located 15 miles from the mainland.

Andhra Pradesh, India
Andhra Pradesh is a state in the southern coastal region of India. It is the seventh-largest state and the tenth-most populous in the country. On December 26, 2004, a series of devastating tsunami waves struck coastlines across the Indian Ocean. In Andhra Pradesh, India, a five-meter-high wave surged more than two kilometers inland, destroying homes, damaging a well, and wiping out entire fishing fleets.